Anytime Train Tickets

Discover Anytime Train Tickets with Avanti West Coast. If you're spontaneous & can't be tied down to specific train, the Anytime ticket is perfect for you.

What is an Anytime train ticket?

Our most flexible type of train ticket does exactly what it says on the tin: allows you to travel at any time. You can jump on any train on your route at any time, so there’s no need to worry about catching that early train.

This type of ticket also allows you to break your journey at any station along the route so you can hop off and explore if you see somewhere you like the look of. Then just pick up where you left off when you’re ready!

Anytime single tickets are valid for up to two days after purchase.

Anytime return tickets are valid for up to five days after purchase for your outbound journey. The return portion of your ticket is valid for up to a month.

If you don’t like to be tied down to specific routes and times, the Anytime train ticket is for you. It’s:

  • Fully flexible

  • Available on all of our services

  • Available in both First and Standard Class

  • Bookable for return or single tickets

  • Possible to book in advance

How can I book an Anytime train ticket?

When can I use an Anytime train ticket?

When can I use an Anytime return train ticket?

Can I get a refund for an Anytime ticket?

Can I break my journey?

How to get your tickets

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Fare for everyone

If you're travelling on one of our trains, you must have a ticket that's valid for travel on that service. To make it fair for everyone, there are different ticket types available and our team are onboard to help with any queries.

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