Sustainability means the world to us

That's why we've made a plan which looks after all our tomorrows.

Our responsible plan

Our responsible plan is built on four pillars which help focus the sustainable development goals we’re aiming for. Our plan will protect our planet, with our people at its heart, doing what’s right for our customers and improving life in our communities. Click the link below to view our responsible plan.

Download our responsible plan

wheelchair user avanti west coast

Our four pillars and sustainable development goals:

Our planet

We’ll make rail travel greener. All of it, not just A to B. We’ll find innovative solutions for the big stuff and better ways of doing the basics. We can, and will leave a smaller footprint.

Goal: By 2031, our business will be net zero carbon.

Find out more >

Our people icon

Our people

We’ll listen, empower and inspire our colleagues. By talking more, we can encourage each other to take action. We can develop our culture of diversity even further and attract the best talent from all walks of life.

Goal: By 2031, all departments will be representative of society and have zero pay gaps.

Find out more >

Our customers

We’ll deliver a more sustainable operation which works for all our customers. By reaching out, listening and acting on what our customers need, we can and improve travel solutions.

Goal: By 2031, we want everyone to experience integrated, independent and low carbon end-to-end journeys.

Find out more >

Our communities icon

Our communities

We can help make life fairer, safer and better for our communities. The more people onboard, the more progress we can make to develop prosperity across our network

Goal: By 2031, we will have created £1 billion or more of social value for our communities.

Find out more >

Sustainability week 2023

27 February - 05 March 2023

As we celebrate Sustainability Week 2023, we've been reflecting on all the work we did in 2022 to bring our 4 sustainable pillars to life:


We reduced our Non-Traction energy consumption by 14.2% (from our 2018/19 baseline)*


We achieved a fleet efficiency improvement of 25.7% (measured in kgCO2e/veh-km from our 2018/19 baseline)*


We reduced our water consumption by 4% (from our 2018/19 baseline)*


Recycling – we sent zero waste to landfill and our recycling rate reached 54.2%*

*figures validated as part of our annual data verification.

Resources and reports

Download our Annual Sustainability Reports

2022/23 Annual Sustainability Report

2021/22 Annual Sustainability Report

2020/21 Annual Sustainability Report

Report from our partners at Russel Partnership Consulting on the sustainability of our menu

Food Menu Sustainability Report