Book early
Planning ahead pays off - literally. By booking your train tickets early, you can save up to 70% on your journey. Advance Tickets typically go on sale 12 weeks before the travel date and the earlier you book, the better the price.
It’s not just about the savings, it’s about the peace of mind. Securing your tickets ahead of time means you’re free to relax, knowing your travel is sorted.
Plus, when you book with us, it couldn’t be easier to make a booking. Use our website or our app to find Advance Tickets and lock in your savings in just a few clicks.
Join Club Avanti
Enjoy exclusive perks and rewards every time you travel with Avanti. By joining Club Avanti, you’ll unlock benefits like 10% off your next journey, a free hot drink onboard, and discounts on food and beverages.
The more you travel, the more rewards you earn. Start as a Silver member and progress to Gold and Platinum for even greater perks. Gold members enjoy a free Standard Premium Return, while Platinum members can claim a free First Class Return and a First Class Lounge pass.
Signing up is quick and easy. Create a Club Avanti account and book your travel through our website or app. Every journey earns you rewards, making each trip even more rewarding.
Book Direct with Avanti
Save money by skipping booking fees when you buy your tickets directly through the Avanti website or app. Booking direct also ensures you’re getting the best price for your journey.
It’s quick, easy, and guarantees great value. No hidden charges, just straightforward savings.
Buy a Season Ticket
Travel the same route regularly? A Season Ticket can save you money and make your journeys hassle-free. Choose from 7-day, Monthly, Annual, or Custom Season Tickets to match your travel needs.
Ideal for part-time commuters or hybrid workers, our Flexi Season Tickets let you commute your way and save. Exclusive to our Avanti Smartcards, it gives you eight peak-time return tickets to use within 28 days.