Our team make a difference to the communities we serve every single day. Lately, they’ve been making sure key workers get from A to B, day in day out. And amongst the ranks, there are plenty of people doing that little bit extra to help out during this pandemic. Some are volunteering for the NHS, delivering food for those self-isolating or organising donations for local charities.

And some have recently swapped their day job to take on the role of Special Constables helping local police forces respond to the COVID-19 crisis.
Customer Service Assistants, Alistair Campbell and Josh Jensen have been granted permission to dedicate their usual working hours at Avanti West Coast to support the British Transport Police (BTP) as Specials.
Seema Jadva, a human resources Business Partner, and Train Manager, CJ Morgan have also volunteered their working hours to support the Metropolitan Police on the streets of London.
Specials play a pivotal part for police forces up and down the country, bringing skills and experience from their day jobs to a role where they have the same powers as regular police officers. Their efforts have helped strengthen policing teams during the pandemic, and we’re really proud of our Specials.
They’re just a handful of staff who have volunteered to go the extra mile and help your communities during the pandemic.
Hats off to our team who take pride in helping others. We’re proud of you all.