
Complaints? Comments? Compliments?

Whatever you'd like to say, get in touch. If it's something we can put right, we'll do it as fast as we can.

We're here to help you

It’s easy to give us your feedback. Just fill out the online form that’s right for you here. It’s the quickest way to get in touch with our Customer Resolutions Team, who will help you from there.

Please include this information when you contact us:

  • The time and date of your journey
  • Details of what happened and when it happened
  • The stations you travelled to and from
  • Copies of your tickets
  • Other documents that might help us identify the trains or staff involved
  • Anything else you think would help us investigate

The more you tell us, the quicker we can get back to you with a full reply.

Other ways to get in touch

  • Email us at
  • Or call us on 0345 528 0253. Our lines are open from 8am to 10pm, 7 days a week, except Christmas and Boxing Day
  • Or you can write to us. If you’re sending tickets, please use recorded delivery and send to:

Avanti West Coast,
Customer Resolutions Centre,
The Square,
2 Broad Street West
S1 2BQ

If you’re okay not having proof of delivery, write to us at:


Making a complaint?

If something didn’t go as it should, you can ask us to look into it for you. For more details, download a copy of our complaints procedure below.

Download our complaint handling procedure Download our complaint handling procedure in Welsh

Making a complaint about Passenger Assist?

If there’s an issue, it’s best to let a member of staff or the Passenger Assist team know at the time. That way we can take action there and then.

Booked assistance not provided? You can claim compensation by contacting our Passenger Assist Team on 0345 528 0253. Please select option 3 when you call. If you travelled on our trains we will also contact you. If you travelled with another train company for all or some of your journey, you can contact them directly or ask us to do it for you.

Please also get in touch If you think there are things we should do better.

Give your feedback on Passenger Assist

What happens when you make a complaint

We’ll look at everything carefully and aim to get back to you within 28 working days of the date you contacted us. If we agree that we should have done better, we’ll tell you what we’re doing to put things right.

Not happy with our response?

If you feel things aren’t settled, you can ask us to look at our decision again. We’ll review everything and get back to you in writing in a letter or email. This will explain either:

  • Our reasons for upholding our original decision
  • Or details of any changes to that decision

You may also be able to take your complaint to the Rail Ombudsman. Read on to see how this works.

Period Percentage of complaints responded to in 10 working days Percentage of complaints responded to in 20 working days Average response time for responding to complaints (days)
Period 1
01/04/2024 - 27/04/2024
87.50% 98.15% 4.20
Period 2
28/04/2024 - 25/05/2024
93.75% 99.50% 2.63
Period 3
26/05/2024 - 22/06/2024
93.94% 99.26% 3.23
Period 4
23/06/2024 - 20/07/2024
92.04% 99.21% 4.24
Period 5
21/07/2024 - 17/08/2024
89.47% 98.62% 5.38
Period 6
18/08/2024 - 14/09/2024
86.64% 98.16% 6.45
Period 7
15/09/2024 - 12/10/2024
83.03% 98.59% 6.60
Period 8
18/08/2024 - 14/09/2024
78.97% 97.72% 6.64
Period 9
18/08/2024 - 14/09/2024
75.77% 97.45% 9.24
Period 10
18/08/2024 - 14/09/2024
61.67% 95.45% 10.96

Complaints Previous Years

01 April 2023 to 31 March 2024

About the Rail Ombudsman

The Rail Ombudsman is there to sort out disputes between train companies (us) and customers (you). You can ask them to look at your complaint if you’re not happy with our response. They can only help if you’re a customer and not complaining on behalf of a business.

The Rail Ombudsman will hear both sides to see if an agreement is possible. If not, they will make a decision based on the evidence.

When will the Rail Ombudsman look at my complaint?

The Rail Ombudsman is free to use. You can ask them to look at things if:

  • You’re unhappy with our final, written response to your complaint. This is sometimes called a ‘deadlock’ letter
  • You complained to us in the last 12 months
  • You can also contact them if we haven’t resolved your complaint within 40 working days of the date we received it

How to contact the Rail Ombudsman

You can get in touch by:

  • Website:
  • Telephone: 0330 094 0362
  • Textphone: 0330 094 0363
  • SMS/Text: 07427 580 060
  • Email:
  • Twitter: @RailOmbudsman

Opening hours: Monday to Friday 0900 – 1700 Closed Saturday and Sunday.

Rail Ombudsman logo 

Some complaints are not the Rail Ombudsman’s responsibility. For example, complaints about the way services are designed or rail industry policy. If that’s the case, they’ll let you know. If possible, they will transfer your complaint to another organisation that may be able to help, such as Transport Focus and London Travel Watch (the independent consumer watchdogs for the rail industry). These organisations will review your complaint and follow things up for you if it’s appropriate.